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라진숙 프로필 사진
라진숙 (Ra, Jin Suk)   이메일아이콘


연세대학교 간호학 박사, APN (Neonatal Nurse Practitioner) : University of Cincinnati


아동 초기 비만 예방 : (Overweight prevention in early childhood)
아동-청소년 체중 인식 / 체중 편견 : (Weight perception / weight bias of children and adolescents)
아동-청소년 대사증후군 예방 및 관리 : (Prevention and management of metabolic syndrome in children and adolescents)
청소년 흡연 예방 및 금연 - 간헐적 및 저강도 흡연 중심 : (Smoking prevention / smoking cessation of adolescents – focused on intermittent and light smokers)


1. Ra J. S. Association between maternal feeding practices and excessive weight gain in infants. J Korean Acad Community Health Nurs, 2019;30:90-98. 
2. Ra J. S., Cho Y. H. Role of social normative beliefs as a moderating factor in smoking intention among adolescent girls in Korea. Nurs Health Sci, 2018;1:530-536. 
3. Ra J. S., Jung M. S. School-related factors affecting smoking intention among Korean middle school students. Asian Nurs Res, 2018;39:34-40. 
4. Chae S. M., Ra J. S. Maternal weight control behaviors for preschoolers related to children’s gender. J Child Fam Stud, 2018;27:547-558. 
5. Ra, J. S., & Cho, Y. H. Depression moderates the relationship between body image and health. J Child Fam Stud, 2017;26:1799-1807.